Rome 23-24 June 2011
The Economist and the Judge
Private Litigation and Damage Assessment in Antitrust and IPRs Cases

Paolo Buccirossi - Lear

Paolo Buccirossi is the Director and the founder of Lear - Laboratorio di economia, antitrust, regolamentazione, a research and consulting firm specializing in the fields of antitrust and regulation.
Paolo has been working in the field of competition policy since 1994. After five years as economic advisor at the Italian Competition Authority, in 1999 Paolo set up Lear. Since then he has advised private clients and public institutions on a range of competition issues, including cartels, abuses of dominance, vertical agreements and mergers in a variety of industries, before the European Commission and various national competition authorities. Paolo has also prepared witness statements in private litigation cases and assisted clients during regulatory reviews, mostly in the telecoms and media sectors. Paolo has also cooperated with the Bulgarian and the Lithuanian governments in the implementation of a national competition policy regime and has advised the Dutch and the Czech Competition Authorities on their system of sanctions for breaches of competition law. He has led several research projects for the European Commission, the OFT, the UK Competition Commission and the Brazilian CADE. Paolo has also published on several academic journals, including the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Industrial Economics and the Journal of Regulatory Economics, and is the editor of the Handbook of Antitrust Economics (MIT Press). He holds an MSc in Public Economics and a PhD in Economics awarded from University La Sapienza (Roma, Italy).
Paolo was a Visiting Scholar at George Mason University, New York University and Cambridge University.