Rome 23-24 June 2011
The Economist and the Judge
Private Litigation and Damage Assessment in Antitrust and IPRs Cases

Carles Esteva Mosso - European Commission

Carles Esteva Mosso is Director for Policy and Strategy at the Competition Directorate General of the European Commission. In this position, he is in charge of the development of policy, strategy and legislative instruments in the fields of antitrust, mergers and state aids. His responsibilities also include the coordination of the European Competition Network and the international dimension of competition policy.

Carles Esteva held previously a number of management positions in DG Competition. He was Head of the Private Enforcement Unit, which was mainly in charge of developing initiatives to facilitate the compensation of damages deriving from the infringement of competition law rules. Before he had been Head of the Merger Control Unit in charge of the investigation and assessment of mergers in telecoms, media and IT related industries and Head of Unit for Merger Control Policy and Scrutiny.

Between 1999 and 2004, Carles Esteva was a Member of the Cabinet of the European Commissioner for Competition Policy Mario Monti. In this capacity, he advised the Commissioner on the enforcement of merger control, antitrust and cartel policy. He was also the Cabinet Member in charge of the process of modernisation and reform of antitrust and merger rules.

Since 1994 and before joining Mario Monti’s cabinet, he had worked in several areas within DG Competition, including the Merger Task Force and the antitrust unit in charge of the financial sector. Prior to joining the European Commission, Carles Esteva worked in legal private practice. He is a member of the Barcelona’s Bar.

Carles Esteva holds a Masters degree in European Law from the Institut d’Etudes Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles ; he also graduated in Law and in Economics by the Universitat de Barcelona and in Political Science (International relations) by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is a guest professor on competition law at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. He has published several articles (the most recent being "Non-horizontal mergers: a European perspective"; Fordham International Law Journal, May 2008) and he regularly participates in major conferences on competition law and policy.