Rome, June 23-25, 2005
Competition Among Multiproduct Platforms

Patrick REY

Patrick Rey is Professor of Economics at the University Toulouse and Research Director of IDEI- Institut d’Economie Industrielle. Fellow of the Econometric Society, he has been member of the Editorial Board of the Review of Economic Studies and currently is in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Public Economics. Rey has served as consultant for the World Bank (on Competition Policy and Economic Development), OECD (Report on Franchising), and the European Commission (Report for DG II on Competition policy towards vertical Restraints, Member of DG IV’s Scientific Advisory Committee). Patrick Rey is one of the authors of Competition policy and Vertical Restraints: Franchising Agreements, 1994, OECD, Paris. His publications include: "The Logic of Vertical Restraints", (with J. Tirole), American Economic Review, "Long-Term, Short-term and Renegotiation: On the value of Commitment in Contracting", (with B. Salanié), Econometrica, "Capacity Constraints, Mergers and Collusion", (with O. Compte and F. Jenny), European Economic Review.

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Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Wilmer Culter Pickering Hale & Dorr

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Ferrovie dello Stato

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