Rome, June 23-25, 2005
![]() Advances in the Economics of Competition Law
DAY 1 - Thursday, June 23th
The economic goals of competition policy - Paolo Buccirossi
Market definition and empirical methods to assess market power - Jonathan B. Baker and Timothy F. Bresnahan
Merger control
Unilateral effects: Concepts and measurement - Gregory J. Werden and Froeb
The economics of coordinated effects Kai-Uwe Kuhn
The analysis of conglomerate merger Damien Neven
DAY 2 - Friday, June 24th Cartels and collusion
The economics of facilitating practices - Paolo Buccirossi
Detecting cartels -Joseph E. Harrington Jr.
Coffee break
Vertical integration and vertical restraints
The competitive effects of vertical integration - Michael Riordan
The economics of vertical restraints - Patrick Rey and Thibaud Vergé
Empirical assessment of exclusive contracts - Margaret Slade and Francine Lafontaine
Monopolization and abuse of dominance
Predatory pricing and other exclusionary pricing strategies - Janusz A. Ordover and Robert D. Willig
The economics of price discrimination and bundling and tying - Mark Armstrong
Coffee break
Special topics
The relationship between regulation and competition polciy for network industries - David Newbery
Intellectual property rights and competition law - Richard J. Gilbert
DAY 3 - Saturday, June 25th Leniency policies - Giancarlo Spagnolo
Coffee break
The antitrust of two-sided markets - Jean Tirole and Jean and Charles Rochet
The economics of state aids - Lars-Hendrik Roller; Hans W. Friederiszick and Vincent Verouden
Auctions and competition policy - Paul Klemperer
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