Rome, June 23-25, 2005
Competition Among Multiproduct Platforms


David Newberry is  Professor of Economics Fellow of Churchill College. He has been Professor of Applied Economics since 1988, and was Director of the DAE from 1988-2003.
He became Division Chief of Public Economics of World Bank He has been a visiting Professor at Yale, Stanford, Berkeley and Princeton. He was an associate editor of The Economic Journal from 1977-2000. He was President of the European Economic Association for 1996.
He is a member of the DEFRA's Environmental Economics academic panel and has been an advisor to most of the UK regulatory agencies (Offer, Ofgem, ORR, Ofwat).
He is Director of Research of the Electricity Policy Research Group working on market design, regulation and restructuring of electricity markets in Europe and elsewhere, a topic that has increasingly to deal with markets in carbon, support for renewables and climate change issues.

He has written books on social cost-benefit analysis, commodity price stabilisation, taxation in developing countries, tax reform in transitional economies, and the privatisation, restructuring and regulation of network industries such as electricity, gas and telecoms.

Main Sponsor


Law firms Partners
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Wilmer Culter Pickering Hale & Dorr

AGI – Associazione Imprese Generali
Ferrovie dello Stato

Kind contribution offered by
Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato
Autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni
Comune di Roma
Fondazione Luigi Einaudi Roma