Rome 25-26 June 2009

Valentine KORAH - University College of London

Valentine Korah, Emeritus Professor of Competition Law at UCL and honorary Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges, is an eminent competition lawyer. Valentine’s research interests are in the areas of EC and other competition laws and policy. In the 1960s, she was one of the first lawyers to co-teach with an economist, Basil Yamey, a postgraduate course for lawyers on competition law and policy. Throughout her career she has encouraged lawyers to consider economic arguments and to work with economists. She criticized the bifurcation of article 81 in a case note as early as 1972, when only AG Roemer and René Joliet had done so publicly. She worked in 1970 as a British civil servant preparing instructions to Parliamentary Counsel for a bill to transfer the functions of the UK Monopolies Commission to the Prices and Incomes Board. At that time it was almost unprecedented for an academic to join the civil service on a part time and temporary basis. She has taught at many universities: full courses on EC Competition law at the College of Europe for nearly 20 years and Fordham Law School for 14 consecutive spring semesters, shorter but repeated visits to the Universities of Lund, Carlos Tercera, Monash, Melbourne and the Victoria University of Wellington. She frequently lectures outside the UK. Her introductory guide to EC Competition law and practice is in its 9th edition and she has written many other critical books, chapters, articles and case notes.

Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen and Hamilton LLP
Jones Day
Rucellai & Raffaelli

Associazione Bancaria Italiana
Assonime Servizi