Rome 25-26 June 2009
WHAT MAKES COMPETITION POLICY WORKS? Tomaso DUSO - Humboldt University Berlin and WZB Tomaso Duso is assistant professor of industrial economics in the Department of Economics of the Humboldt University Berlin, Research fellow at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, and member of the faculty of the Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science. Previously he was assistant professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Vienna. He has been cooperating with Lear as a Special Consultant since 2005. His research interests are in the area of industrial organization, competition policy, and political economics with a focus on empirical issues. Some specific interests are regulation, merger control, research joint ventures, lobbying, and institutions. Tomaso has advised several public bodies in the area of merger control and antitrust in general. He has published on a number of academic journals, among which the Journal of Law and Economics, Public Choice, Economics Letters, and the Journal of Comparative Economics. Tomaso earned a PhD from the Humboldt University Berlin in 2002. |
LAW FIRM PARTNERS Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen and Hamilton LLP Jones Day Rucellai & Raffaelli SPONSORS Associazione Bancaria Italiana Assonime Servizi Mediaset